Starting #151DaysOfCode

Starting #151DaysOfCode

Today, I am committing to the #151DaysOfCode challenge by neog using the hashtag to share their progress, projects, and milestones I'm going to hit by creating consistent coding habits, improving my skill set, and learning new technologies. I will code for at least two hours every day for the next 151 days.

I’ve decided to form this a public commitment.

And you should join me. To track my progress, connect me at Mukesh Bishnoi.

For this challenge, I will be focusing on HTM, CSS, JavaScript, and its framework and then learning the Backend stack alongside. I will be building projects solely using these stacks. My plan is to build at least 15 projects in 151 days including major and minor projects.

Twitter is additionally an excellent thanks to holding them accountable. Surrounding yourself with 151 Days of Code participants and friends is the neatest thing you'll do to remain motivated throughout the challenge.

Points to make this challenge easy

Invite a friend to join you

One way to remain motivated is to undertake the challenge with a friend, teammate or colleague. Similar to group studies, 'challenge mates' hold you in charge of your coding and encourage you to try to do more every day. And a touch-friendly competition can go an extended way.

Keep a positive attitude

Spend time at the start of the challenge fixing your workspace. Find a few key resources. Build your GitHub profile to hold you accountable. Set up a Twitter account. Most importantly, start coding!

Find Interesting and Challenging projects

Regardless of what proportion experience you've got before you begin your 151days of code challenge you'll want to make a note which will assist you to focus less on logistics and more on learning. Believe what languages, technologies, and frameworks you'd wish to determine and what projects you'd wish to be able to build by the highest of the challenge.

